Thank you to my kind and generous sponsors. None of what I do would be possible without your continued support.

Thank you to my incredibly kindhearted friend Kevin Heneghan for providing my crew and I a place to stay when we are in the Great Bear Rain Forest. Drifter’s Cove Eco Retreat is a beautiful off-the-grid property that adds something special to the swim. I am grateful.

Thank your to Colette Heneghan and Pacific Wild for your ongoing support and expertise. I have learned an incredible amount about the Rain Forest through our relationship and look forward to learning more as we swim on!

Helly Hansen you have been a truly kind and generous sponsor since my first swim in the region. The waterproof duffel bag has become the perfect cold water kit and the crew and I proudly where are Great Bear vests. Thank you!

To my friends at Serious Coffee on Blanchard – thank you! You are keeping my crew both alert and warm during all of my swims.

I am so grateful to Paul (and Fiona) from Triumph Social for taking on the media campaigns and story telling for my swims. It allows me to focus on what I do best; swim.
Pilots & Watercraft
Thanks to my pilots Gordon Higgings, Matt Piechnik and Kevin Heneghan for guiding me safely through the water and for kindly donating your boats to my swims.
To my new friend Michael Schutzler you are very kind-hearted! The Bark prone board is invaluable as a training tool and will come in extremely handy for my crew.
Photography & Video
Thanks to Brian Stewart, Rob DeLange, Corey Teramura and for both your time and extraordinary talent.
Wellness Team
There are a host of people that I turn to for advise and support on wellness. Without their expertise it would not be possible for me to do what I do. A heart felt thanks to Lisa Rutherford – Doctor of Medical Heilkunst and Homeopathic Medicine, Dr. Jane Rohon O’Halloran – Naturopathic Doctor and Sandy Wilson – Registered Physiotherapist.
As part of my ongoing wellness I train with 3 swim clubs, 2 canoe clubs and at the gym on a more than regular basis. Many of my teammates have helped with one of my swims and all of them have helped make me a better athlete and person. I am grateful to be a part of Victoria Masters Swim Club, Tyee Aquatic Club & Human Powered Racing, Victoria YMCA Masters Swim Club, Ocean River Canoe Club and Victoria Canoe and Kayak Club.