
I live a healthy life with Multiple Sclerosis

Exercise and veganism are the “drugs” I use to managing the disease

Exercise and veganism were game changers. Without these two simple lifestyle choices I would likely be in a wheelchair today. Knowing this, I feel it is part of my responsibility as a person living healthfully with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) to share to word that life doesn’t end with a diagnosis. Part of how I do this is through

The blog is an account of some of how I have experienced living with the disease, the lifestyle changes I have made, and the impact they have had. I also try to include the stories of others who are living healthfully with MS.

Some of my favourite posts include:

Exercise that Cools: for people with Multiple Sclerosis

MS Motivation: Swimming across the Strait of Georgia

MS Success: Racing in the Heat in Hawaii

MS Inspiration: Blind Vision

MS Energy: Veganism and Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis in the Raw – a natural state of being

MS Honor: A whale of a tale

MS Marathon: MS Village

70 km for MS

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