If you think it’s about a pool, you may want to think again.

I have been observing and participating in the future of Crystal Pool discussions over the past month. As I process all I am hearing and reading, I have realized two things; if you are in the no camp you see the pool as the product, if you are in the yes camp you see the … Read moreIf you think it’s about a pool, you may want to think again.

Crystal Pool & Fitness Centre: Fact vs Fiction

Dear Mayor and Council It has come to my attention that some of you are sharing information regarding Crystal Pool and the proposed new facility that may be false and misleading. I recognize that many of you are new to council and do not have the benefit of historical information related to the project. I … Read moreCrystal Pool & Fitness Centre: Fact vs Fiction

Why the Province should help pay for a new Crystal Pool

I am a resident of Victoria and a person living with a disability, in my case, Multiple Sclerosis (MS). MS is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects my central nervous system and can cause serious disability. When I was first diagnosed, I had a doctor and a neurologist who monitored the progress of my disease. … Read moreWhy the Province should help pay for a new Crystal Pool

In a world full of “heroes” be your own shero

I’ve been watching a wave of hate roll in toward Diana Nyad increasing in intensity as NYAD the movie approaches its Netflix November 3rd release. It’s reminiscent of the tsunami that flooded the open water community in September 2013 when the at-the-time 64 year-old, on her 5th attempt, entered the water off Havana Cuba to … Read moreIn a world full of “heroes” be your own shero

#SwimGift: Swimming with Spirit Orcas

The Spirit Orcas are a group of open water swimmers living with intellectual disabilities and who swim across waterways throughout the province. Over the past 6 years they have established themselves as experienced open water swimmers by completing: a 30km relay across Lake Cowichan, becoming the first known group of people to swim a 20km … Read more#SwimGift: Swimming with Spirit Orcas